“Siri can do a lot more than we thought! Just ask her!”
Burt Peake, Jr., CRC® was the host of February’s breakfast! He is a Wealth Advisor with 30 years of experience working with Knoxvillians. He was born and raised in Asheville, NC. His favorite hobby is fly-fishing in the smokies. Recently, Burt realized he enjoys writing blogs!
We normally host our breakfast events at The Egg and I in Bearden, but this month, Burt Peake, Jr., CRC® wanted to take everyone off site— and for a good reason!
Even as a longtime owner of two Apple devices, an iPhone and an iPad, Burt admits there’s a lot he doesn’t know. “I am always trying to figure out how to do things with my iPhone and iPad. I thought that if these things are on my mind, they must be on others’ minds as well. Let’s do a breakfast at Apple!”
We began at 8:30 am, just like every Breakfast with Us.
We brought Chick-Fil-A breakfast from the food court! For the first 15 – 20 minutes we mingled and let everyone grab a hot cup of coffee and some breakfast! As you’ve probably noticed, the Apple store inside West Town was redesigned a few years ago… In the back portion of the store, they have desks and chairs specifically designed to host learning experiences! It was a very educational breakfast, one we plan on hosting again this year! It was a great way to start the morning!
Some things we learned Tuesday Morning:
- Siri can do a lot more than we thought! If you ask her, “Siri, tell me what you can do,” she’ll give you a list!
- Apple pay is more secure than swiping your card, but not every place accepts it—yet. (Siri can tell you who accepts it!)
- The Spotlight tool is an easy way to search your entire phone. You type a word in the search bar and Spotlight checks every nook and cranny—your email accounts, apps, text messages, the web and the dictionary for the word you’re in search of. (This is a big help if you’ve misplaced an email!)
- Apple Maps is not only a great way to navigate, it uses Yelp.com to show you information on restaurants and businesses.
- If you’re not the best at centering photos, turning on the grid is helpful! Go to Settings > Camera > then turn the Grid on.
- Using the “Rule of Thirds” helps you take more interesting photos.
- To photograph a moving subject (kids and grandkids), tap, then hold the center of the screen to activate the AE/AF lock. This ensures you’ll get a clear photo, even if your subject(s) moves!
- This past year Apple implemented a new program called “Today at Apple.” They offer a variety of workshops at their store that are FREE! From “Basics: iPhone and iPad Intermediate” to “How to Edit Video on Mac,” they are focused on helping you get the most out of your Apple products.
Shout out to the West Town Apple team who helped us coordinate this exclusive workshop for our February Breakfast With Us! They were so easy to work with, helpful, fun and professional! We couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out!
We host events like this for a simple reason: to enrich lives! Sometimes “Living Invested” means making the most of your mobile device. 😊
Visit our events page for a preview of what’s coming up!