(865) 226-9982 [email protected]

Our fiduciary financial advisors help you

Retire With Confidence

We help our clients retire – and stay retired.
Turn your nest egg into consistent income.

Ready to talk?

Sequence of Returns: The Hidden Retirement Risk

Download Your Free Guide

Sequence of Returns:
The Hidden Retirement Risk

What You’ll Learn:
• What sequence risk is
• How sequence risk can derail your retirement
• Ways to minimize your risk

We’ll Be Your Guide

72% of people agree the average retiree doesn’t know enough about managing investments to make their retirement savings last. Turn to the experienced professionals at TVAMP.

Source: National Institute on Retirement Study

Robert Eddins, CFP® Knoxville, TN | TVAMP Financial Planning

Rob Eddins, CFP®

Jill Bertke, CFP® Knoxville, TN | TVAMP Financial Planning

Scott Fisher, CFP®

Jeff Foster, CFP® Knoxville, TN | TVAMP Financial Planning

Jeff Foster, CFP®

Josh Klinger, CFP® Knoxville, TN | TVAMP Financial Planning

Josh Klinger, J.D., CFP®

Learn why clients stay with TVAMP year after year:


Successful strategies are often the most simple. Our process begins with a short intro call.


Education, experience, and ethics set our CFP® Professionals apart from other financial advisors.


Simple, straightforward pricing that won’t require a PhD to understand.

Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway.

Frequently asked retirement questions:

Please note: TVAMP provides the most value to individuals with $500,000 or more of retirement savings.

How much will I need to retire?

The big question. We help clients determine how much they need saved to retire comfortably.

When can I retire?

Tired of guessing? We’ll run different scenarios to help you make the best decision possible. It’s not always as simple as saving enough – we help you think about Social Security and Medicare decisions which may impact your retirement date.

How do I create income in retirement?

You’ve spent your life working hard and saving. We’ll help you turn your retirement savings (401(k), 403(b), 457, IRA, Roth IRA, Pension, annuities, CDs, etc.) into long-term retirement income.

How do I maximize Social Security benefits?

For most, Social Security is a large component of retirement income. Should you delay benefits, or take them right away? We’ll help you optimize your benefits and make smart financial decisions.

How do I manage healthcare costs?

Medicare can be a lot to get your head around: Part A, Part, B, and Part D. We’ll set you up with the options that work best for you. If you plan to retire before Medicare kicks in, we will help you bridge the gap.

We’re not here to sell you a financial product, we’re here to design you a long-term financial plan.”

Jeff Foster, CFP®
Founding Partner | Wealth Advisor

8 ways TVAMP helps clients make the most of their wealth:

1️⃣ Explore opportunities to retire early and stay retired

2️⃣ Determine a strategy to maximize your Social Security benefits

3️⃣ Harvest investment losses to save on taxes today and in the future

4️⃣ Discover the ideal time to take advantage of Roth conversions

5️⃣ Prepare for milestone ages in your financial journey

6️⃣ Ensure your assets will transfer as you intend with reviews of beneficiaries and estate documents (or create a plan to minimize estate taxes)

7️⃣ Manage RMDs and Qualified Charitable Distributions in retirement

8️⃣ Keep you up to date on changes in retirement legislation, such as (SECURE Act 2.0)

Professional financial advice in all these areas:

Retirement Planning

Slow down your professional career and maintain your financial stability throughout retirement.

Tax Strategies

Take advantage of tax legislation and planning strategies to keep more money in your pocket.

Investment Management

Unbiased investment advice to manage risk and help you stay on track to reach your goals.

Insurance Planning

Explore opportunities to mitigate or transfer risk, and protect those most important to you.

Estate Planning

Design the legacy you want to leave for your loved ones and the causes closest to your heart.

Foundation Planning

Master the basics and lay the groundwork for long term financial success.

Retire with Confidence

We help clients retire – and stay retired.
Turn your nest egg into consistent income.

Ready to talk?

15 minutes, no obligation

Investment advice offered through Tennessee Valley Asset Management Partners (TVAMP), a registered investment advisor.
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