“People gain so much hope when they know they are not experiencing something alone.” – Joyce Rupp
The Valentine’s Day Luncheon is a special event that we’ve been hosting since 2004.
In January, when the magic of the holiday season seems to fade, looking forward to this event always cheers us up! We invite our friends who are widows and widowers and are so special to us. We know their heartache will never leave them but will in time find peace and will continue to be an inspiration to everyone around them.
We host this gathering as a celebration of love and as a small way to lift spirits.
As Michael Conaty mentioned in his brief speech, “… the letter ‘P’ in TVAMP stands for ‘Partners’ and that is who we are.” Our team has helped our partners, including widows and widowers, move forward financially. Along with local professionals (attorneys, CPAs, and insurance consultants) we can help them get their financial house in order, remind them of their options regarding retirement income, benefits, social security, insurance, and other financial matters.
A wonderful resources we like to work through with our widowed friends is a thoughtful workbook called Moving Forward On Your Own by Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D.,CFP®