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“Rule #1: Eat Whole Foods”



Michael G. Conaty was the host of April’s breakfast. He is a Wealth Advisor with over 18 years of experience working in Knoxville. He loves being surrounding by family and friends! He recently visited London, where his youngest son lives. He had some time to sightsee and told us, “Visiting the Tower of London and Stonehenge was an amazing experience – I recommend putting it on your bucket list!”

This month, we met at Whole Foods to learn “How to Build a Better Breakfast.”

As a team who strives to empower those we serve to “Live Invested,” we were excited when Michael Conaty announced his decision for the April breakfast topic! Each month, one of our advisors is in charge of choosing a topic and finding a guest speaker.

Jesse Beeghley, the marketing and community liaison at Whole Foods Knoxville, spoke to us about Whole Foods’ mission for everyone, gave us some great examples of what to eat for breakfast, then showed us around the store. He understands Whole Foods can be a bit overwhelming if you’re not used to shopping there!

The “Green Goddess” smoothie they made for breakfast was a HUGE hit! See the recipe below!

Jesse’s advice:

  1. Eat whole foods

Examples: Shop along the outside of the grocery store – where the least processed foods are! Produce, meats, cheese, grains, etc.

  1. Eat a rainbow

Examples: At each meal, eat a variety of colors – reds, greens, blues, yellow, purple, orange, white…

  1. Eat good fats

Examples: Avocado, cheese, chia seeds, olive oil, eggs, fatty fish, yogurt, etc.

  1. Eat nutrient dense foods

Examples: Foods packed with nutrients, naturally low calorie. AKA “spending your calorie budget wisely” salmon, Kale, Seaweed, garlic, potatoes, blueberries, cocoa, and even sardines (if you’re into that!).

We host events like this for a simple reason: to enrich lives! Life is more than just finances. “Living Invested” means eating whole, nutritious foods so you can lead a healthy lifestyle!