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A poem for all the Moms on Mother’s Day.

Burt Peake, Jr. is a Wealth Advisor with over 30 years of experience working with Knoxvillians. He was born and raised in Asheville, NC. His favorite hobby is fly-fishing in the Smokies. Burt writes about retirement planning, financial planning, estate planning, and investment management.

Burt Peake, Jr.

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Here’s to you, Moms!

Where would we be without you?

We kept you up all night as infants.

We kept you up all night as teenagers.

I suspect you still lay awake some nights over us as adults.

You ALWAYS put us first.

You knew the lullaby to sing.

You knew the words to say.

You knew when to say nothing.

You stood by attentively and watched us spread our wings.

When we left the nest, were those tears of sadness, joy, pride?

The mother’s love is unequaled.

So, now it is Mother’s Day.

How inadequate is one day to recognize the love for our moms and all they have done?

But we raise our hearts to you, we want you to know how much we love you!

So TVAMP recognizes this day and extends to every mother, whether here or departed,

Love and thanks for everything.

Where would we be without you?

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